Connecting Capital To Low Carbon Projects



Line Animating Across The Screen

Providing the ability for investors to see firsthand the reality of their projects in the present and future. From this perspective, financials can be calculated, energy can be simulated, and the projects that truly have a positive impact will move forward.

The best, most sustainable, most profitable projects become both obvious and imperative.

Experience a shift in awareness

Experience true understanding

Experience the OVR·VU effect


Two Dots Being Connected By A Line


On one side, large funds are behind on investing in renewable energy projects. There's almost too much capital. There are not enough shovel ready projects and the due diligence process takes too much time, and most funds aren't allowed to spend on studies that create projects.

One the other side, there is tremendous demand for renewable energy projects that utilize heat pumps, district energy, geothermal, and other forms of renewables. Cities, developers, campuses, and greenhouses all need projects that are shovel ready for capital investment, but they can't afford to fund the studies to get them shovel ready.


OVR-VU's innovative business model and technology enable the rapid development of renewable energy projects. Taking the needs and outcomes of cities, developers, campuses, and greenhouses, OVR-VU creates a market place of shovel ready projects where investors can shop to maximize the deployment of their capital. 10x faster project development, investor ready, order of magnitude lower risk profiles. The best, most sustainable, most profitable projects become both obvious and imperative.


Fast Forward Icon

10x faster project development

Arrow Pointing Down Icon

Reduced Development Costs

Lightbulb Icon

Move from idea to investable project rapidly

Dollar Sign with Checkmark Icon

Accurate cost estimates from start to finish

Two arrows in a loop icon

Continuously up-to-date (industry first and only)


Hourglass Icon

Making zero emissions from buildings possible by 2050

Dollar Symbol Icon

Budgets no longer at risk

Pencil and Ruler Crossed Icon

Close the gap between opportunities and capital

John Rathbone Headshot

John Rathbone

Mairead Kennedy Headshot

Mairead Kennedy